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Monday, October 25, 2010

Pressure Canner



We recently purchased a Presto Pressure Cooker Canner
model 1781 based on our need for a safe means of canning, and its excellent and numerous quality reviews.
Pressure canning is the recommended process when canning vegetables, especially those that are low in acid. In fact, if you do purchase a pressure canner, it will replace the traditional boiling method all together and assure best and safe practices when canning foods.
The steam and heat that is created inside of a pressure canner will rise to a higher temperature than boiling water (up to 250 degrees F instead of only 212 degrees F) and will assure that all of the bacteria is eliminated from the contents of the canning jars. Botulism spores are eliminated if cooked in a pressure canner for the recommended time and pressure. For example, when canning green beans, cook the jars at a pressure of 11 pounds per square inch (psi), which will be 240 degrees F, for 20 minutes. For your information, a pressure canner heated to 15 psi equates to 250 degrees F (at sea level).
Add 1/2 psi for every 1,000 feet in elevation. For example, if you live in Denver, Colorado at 6,000 feet elevation, when cooking beans which requires 11 psi, add 3 psi compensation (11 + 3 = 14 psi).

Months ago I had planted pole beans in a few locations around the yard. To my surprise the beans grew far more plentiful than I expected which made them a perfect candidate for preservation by way of the pressure canner.


How to use a Pressure Canner for canning Beans

  • Clean the mason jars, lids, and bands. Then dip in boiling water and remove for later.
  • Rinse the fresh picked beans.
  • Cut off the ends, cut away bad areas and keep only the best looking parts of the bean. Cut to about 1 inch pieces.
  • Stuff the jars with the 1 inch pieces and leave about 1 inch head space at the top of the jars.
  • Add boiling water to the jars with the beans and leave about inch head space at the top of the jar.
  • Check that jar mouths are clean, place on a lid, screw the band over the lid and tighten only finger tight – barely snug.
  • Place the jars in the pressure canner and add boiling water per canner instructions. The Presto 1781 recommends 3 quarts of water, and there is a convenient marker inside the container for correct level indication.
  • Properly attach the lid to the pressure canner, place on stove burner and adjust burner to HI temperature.
  • Aim for 11 psi on the pressure indicator. When pressure reaches 9 or 10 psi, reduce heat to avoid excessive overshoot (dont’ worry though, it’s okay and won’t hurt anything), maintain 11 psi for 20 minutes (follow your recipe).
  • After the proper time, shut off heat, lift and move pressure canner to a cool burner. Do not open until all pressure has relieved.

Pressure canning is a great food preservation method and survival preparedness tool that will help you to be more self sufficient during these of uncertain times.

Video of How to use a Pressure Canner for canning beans

Click here to view the embedded video.

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